Mass & Service Times

The Parish Choir of St. Francis Xavier, Carfin have been singing for the liturgies here since the Carfin Mission was founded in 1863. As well as providing music for the 11am Sunday Mass, the choir often sing for important events in Carfin Lourdes Grotto – Scotland’s National Marian Shrine – such as Diocesan Pilgrimage Days and for other largescale liturgies. Since 2022, the choir has been directed by Kevin James Cameron and assisted by Derek Burns. During our centenary year, we were delighted to have been gifted the Carfin Mass – a Mass setting for choir & congregation especially composed for us by Peter Rose. Peter also dedicated the Memorare, featured on this CD, to our Director of Music and the Salve Regina, in celebration of the Centenary of Carfin Grotto. The Parish Choir love preparing for the Paschal Triduum and also singing at the traditional carol service and Christmas liturgies. The Choir also enjoy providing music at vespers and benediction on Sundays in Advent & Lent.
The Parish Choir is directed by Mr Kevin J Cameron and assisted by Mr Derek Burns.
The Carfin Choristers were founded in August 2022. The choristers comprise of boys and girls from Our Lady and St. Francis Primary School, Carfin. The Carfin Choristers have had many wonderful opportunities since their creation such as singing at daily mass for thousands of pilgrims during the 2022 visit of the relics of St. Bernadette to Carfin. In November 2022, our choristers made up the children’s chorus in Our Ladies Opera Society’s production of Evita. The choristers often lead the music for the 11am Sunday Mass in St. Francis Xavier’s and sing in the annual Christmas Carol Service, with a chorister singing the famous first verse of Once in Royal David’s City. The choristers have been so excited to have been part of this CD production. The choristers are directed by Mr Kevin J Cameron and assisted by Mrs Aileen Muir.
The Carfin Music Group is made up of youth and young adults from the parish and include piano, flute, fiddle, voice, and guitar. The music group provide music at the 5pm Saturday Vigil Mass. We play in a ‘folk’ style, and this is no surprise as many of our members play in Ceilidh and Irish folk bands. However, we also have classically trained pianists and guitarists amongst our ranks which enhances the ensemble.