November is the month of the Faithful Departed, when we remember those who are still on their way to the joy of the New Jerusalem, and who need our prayers and sacrifices to get there.

Book of Remembrance
Holy Mass is offered each day for those whose names are inscribed in the Parish Book of Remembrance. Please make a special effort to attend the 10am or 1pm Mass if you can, at least once a week. If you would like your dead loved ones to be remembered at Mass every day during this month, then please complete a November list and return it to the box at the side of the confessionals as soon as possible. Lists are available in the porch.

The Lord's Tomb
From Monday-Thursday during November, at the conclusion of the 1pm Mass – there will be a short procession to The Lord’s Tomb where prayers will be offered for the dead. A special book will be placed there for the names of the dead to be entered and remembered during these prayers.