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Carfin Grotto honoured to join Global Rosary with Pope Francis May 31st 4pm - 6pm

Plans are now well advanced with regard to the Holy Rosary with Pope Francis on Monday 31st of May. STV have been hired to film this event and, by means of their satellite dish, transmit this Rosary to Vatican Television which in turn will transmits the Rosary to all five continents of the world.

At different points in the transmission, the Rosary at Carfin Grotto (and the assembled people) will be seen on Vatican Television throughout the world. A large screen has been hired so that we to can view the scenes from Rome and the Holy Father saying the Rosary in the Vatican gardens.

We are invited to be in place by 4:15pm so that we can start the rosary at 5:00pm our time, (6:00pm Rome time).

Please pray for good weather which would go a long way to making this a success. However whether the weather is good or bad this event will place Carfin Lourdes Grotto on the international map of Marian shrines and will be exceptionally good publicity for the grotto and for Scotland.

I am sure a proud and jubilant Canon Taylor will be looking down and smiling on his beloved grotto that evening

No booking required just ensure you arrive early for parking and seating.



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