Words seem inadequate to thank all those who helped so generously with their time, energy, and talents last weekend during the visit of the relics of saint Therese. I reckon that over the three days around 16,000 passed through the Church and Grotto – a massive number which is certainly a testimony to Saint Therese and her timeless appeal. This will be a number that we will never see repeated! A once in a lifetime experience!
It would be wrong to single out anyone – everyone knows what they did, either in the church, the Grotto, in the carparks, the Chapel House. I could not repay you but thank you from the bottom of my heart. Any feedback I have had with parishioners and visitors, or visiting clergy, has been extremely positive. I want to underline the brilliant work of the Police Scotland officers, most especially on Sunday, who ensured the smooth flow of traffic and people.
God reward you all, and may Saint Therese shower down her roses upon you.
Fr. McGachey
Photographs by and copyright of Sancta Familia Media